If you are looking for a natural and organic alternative to traditional wraps, you can choose brown hemp blunt wraps. They come with a cornhusk filter tip, and they come in packs of three as well as other quantities. The wraps are made from high-quality hemp, and they burn slowly and smoothly. The filter provides you with a clean and enjoyable pull.
Rose Blunts
When you are choosing hemp blunt wraps, you can also look for rose blunts. They are made from organic rose petals, and each one holds one to 1.15 grams of your favorite herbs. The color vibrancy and aroma elevates your senses, and these cones are protected from physical damage in a tube that contains a two-way humidity exchange pack to preserve the petals. In addition, the tube is sealed with a cord top and a tamper seal. The rose blunts do not contain any fillers, harmful chemicals, pesticides, dyes, artificial flavorings, artificial glues, or artificial colors. They come in cartons of 12, and you also get a bamboo packing tool.
Brown Hemp Wraps
You can also choose brown hemp blunt wraps. They come with a tip, and you can choose a pack of 3 or a pack of 25. They are slow burning and smooth, and they offer a clean pull. They come with a bamboo packing tool. They are all natural and organic, and they can hold one gram of your favorite herbs. They also have a corn husk filter. They come protected in a tube that contains a two-way humidity exchange pack that preserves the optimal humidity.